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Cutting up her favorite skirt!


The enchanting model starts ripping apart her favorite branded tight skirt that she no longer wears. Boldly she slashes the front of the skirt with vigor, then tearing it apart with her hands. Adding cuts and tears all over, the elegant and stylish skirt quickly turns into shreds, leaving no trace of its initial grace. Enjoy the dramatic transformation!

※You can check this sample movie on some sales sites below or my sample movie gallery on homepage.


■Ripped private skirt and top fashion 2
video clip・・・8min.(1480 YEN)
order page(XCREAM) 
order page(FANTIA)
order page(FetishPono:10%points back)
As for 'FANTIA' site, only Japanese pages are expressed now, please translate Japanese into your mother tongue by  translation function. 


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