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Physical training covered with mud


Eriko and her teammates of girl softball club at college hold annual summer event in a fallow rice field today. In the event, they run and do physical training, mud volleyball in the place covered with mud to develop their muscles and harden their truncus. Today Eriko is to take part in the event after job-interview. She was supposed to come home once, changing her clothes. But if she comes home, she won't be in time for the starting time of the event. So she makes up her mind to participate in the event with recruitment suit that she is wearing now!

When she arrive at the place where the event will be held, she starts to run in the fallow rice field and does stretching. After these, she does push-ups, sit-ups and so on with her suit on! Of course her suit is gradually covered with mud! Moreover she plays mud volleyball, receiving the ball while rolling on the mud several times. Her suit that was clean until a while ago now is MUDDY with her face and hair is dirty with mud, too. Finally she washes her body and suit in a simple water storage tub.


■Physical training covered with mud (DM17-3)
video clip・・・33 min.(2800 YEN) order page


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