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An urban legend about job hunting


Today I started to release new work 'An urban legend about job hunting (WETLOOK series)'. For specific information, please refer to the following!

A college girl doing job-hunting wants to join a company, collecting information about the company on the Internet to get an unofficial offer for employment. Then she discovered a title by chance. The title is 'An urban legend about job hunting'. In the beginning she think it is doubtful, at the same time she tries to do it...


The urban legend is that those who want to get an unofficial offer from the company that they most wanted to join can get it should take a bath with recruitment suit that they will wear at the first interview! Eriko decides to give it a try even if she fails, because many good reports are written at the bulletin board of the website.

At first she begins to wash her hair as usual. Next she washes suit instead of her body. Then she takes a bath and relaxes, taking her suit off, taking a shower, taking a bath again with strongly praying an unofficial offer from the company of her first choice.

■An urban legend about job hunting (DW23-2)

video clip・・・20 min.(2400 YEN) order page


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