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The ultimate wet interview challenge


This work is a sequel to the already released "At the pool with Jinny; diving, sliding, and a soaking wet suit".

After being soaked in her suit, she cuts up her suit with scissors, and along the way, I help by cutting the back of her skirt and jacket. Once the suit is completely tattered, she takes a shower, letting the water soak her from head to toe. After that, she gets into the pool, swimming and diving freely.

While she's in the pool, an underwater camera captures the mesmerizing sight of her skirt and blouse fabric floating gracefully in the water. This is truly a rare and fascinating scene. The glimpses of her underwear through the torn suit, combined with her cute smile and playful voice, will surely captivate your heart!

※You can check this sample movie on some sales sites below or my sample movie gallery on homepage.


■The ultimate wet interview challenge
video clip・・・20min.(2680 YEN)
order page(XCREAM) 
order page(FANTIA)
order page(FetishPono:10%points back)
As for 'FANTIA' site, only Japanese pages are expressed now, please translate Japanese into your mother tongue by  translation function. 


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