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The final fate of the mud-soaked Furisode


※Furisode is a traditional Japanese long-sleeved kimono, often worn at ceremonies and special occasions.

This is the second part of a video clip made possible thanks to a dedicated fan of my site, who generously provided a full set of attire, including a furisode and accessories, and also gave suggestions for the filming concept. The first part is 'Elegant Furisode meets mud for the first time', showcases the beginning of this journey.

After getting covered with mud, Rei washes off some of it with water from an irrigation channel. Then, the second round begins. This time, she dives into the mud from the start, boldly immersing herself in it. Throughout the process, she makes several surprising confessions. (Sorry Japanse only;without subtitles)

Once completely covered with mud, she washes off again, but by this point, the once-beautiful and elegant furisode has been permanently stained with mud, making it impossible to wear again. This leads to a first-time experiment―cutting up the traditional attire. In fact, this was a special request from the fan who provided attire. He wanted the mud-stained furisode's sleeves and hem to be cut short. Watch until the end to see the final fate of the furisode!

■The final fate of the mud-soaked Furisode
video clip・・・35min.(3280 YEN)
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