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Boss rips Eriko's recruitment suit!


This work is a sequel to 'Happening on the new employee's first task!?'. During her training as a new recruit, Eriko is asked by her boss to check on a malfunction in the company's outdoor bath. Despite getting her recruit suit soaking wet, she manages to resolve the issue and then decides to slack off by taking a bath herself.

The boss, suspicious when she didn't return to the office after solving the problem, went to the outdoor bath to check on her. There, he found her completely soaked and relaxing in the bath.

The boss, excited by her appearance, uses the excuse of her skipping work as a punishment and orders her to tear her suit to reveal her underwear. He makes cuts in her skirt, which she then tears apart with her hands. The back of the skirt is also ripped by the boss. Afterwards, she proceeds to tear apart not only the skirt but also her jacket and blouse, leaving them in tatters. Eventually, she ends up in her underwear, but she behaves happily with a smile on her face.

※You can check this sample movie on some sales sites below or my sample movie gallery on homepage.


■Boss rips Eriko's recruitment suit!
video clip・・・20min.(2680 YEN)
order page(XCREAM) 
order page(FANTIA)
order page(FetishPono:10%points back)
As for 'FANTIA' site, only Japanese pages are expressed now, please translate Japanese into your mother tongue by  translation function. 


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