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The allure of wet black, super long hair in a woman


A beautiful female college student, proud of her super long black hair, arrives for a job interview in a black recruitment suit. The interviewer awaits her in a pool as she gracefully slides down a water slide, still in the suit. Surprisingly, the interviewer turns out to be a fetish enthusiast, particularly interested in the allure of "recruitment suit","wet hair" and "see-through when wet."

Undeterred, she dives and swims repeatedly, attempting to showcase elements that might please the interviewer. Due to the length of her hair, resurfacing after a dive results in a "wet Sadako" effect. She strategically removes her jacket, revealing a sheer bra, engaging in clothed swimming and continuous submersion to enhance the impression on the interviewer.

As a final flourish, she boldly takes on the water slide once more, immersing herself in the pool. Post-plunge, she indulges in playing with the flowing water, pouring it over her head, and even performing somersaults underwater. All these efforts are aimed at leaving a lasting, positive impression and securing that coveted job offer of a company.

■The allure of wet black, super long hair in a woman
video clip・・・27 min.(2950 YEN)
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