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Drenched and covered with mud in tidal flats


A Japanese female office worker plays in the park, where we begin by bursting water balloons and having buckets of water splashed on her face by my staff, getting thoroughly soaked. getting wet. Then she ventures into the tidal flats, gradually becoming covered with mud, the wet clothes seem to attract the mud perfectly, creating a delightful mess.

When she walks through the tidal flats, a white long skirt quickly gets dirtied with mud splatters. Suddenly, she lies face down, experiencing the sensation of mud against her body. She continues to immerse herself in mud, sitting in SEIZA position, rubbing mud onto her skirt and top, rolling around multiple times, crawling forward and backward until completely covered in mud, rendering the outfit unsuitable for public wear. In the end, she takes it a step further by challenging to a daring dive into the muddy sludge from a distance.

■Drenched and covered with mud in tidal flats
video clip・・・28min.(3280 YEN)
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