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Cleaning mud-stained private clothes


This work is a continuation of "Drenched and covered with mud in tidal flats". The footage shows the model pouring water over her head and washing her private clothes, which were covered with mud on the tidal flats, completely clean.

The model either have the staff sprinkle water on her or pour buckets of water over her head by herself. In the end, she ends up with her straight hair covered in water and ends up in a 'wet-haired Sadako'state.

■Cleaning mud-stained private clothes
main video clip・・・16min.(2950 YEN)
The bonus making video・・・15min
order page(XCREAM) 
order page(FANTIA)
As for 'FANTIA' site, only Japanese pages are expressed now, please translate Japanese into your mother tongue by  translation function. 


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