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Drenched trials on an job interview


A Japanese college girl in the midst of job hunting arrives at a particular open-air bath facility for her final interview. She wears a visibly anxious expression because she knows she will be drenched during the interview. The interviewers will shower her with water using buckets and hoses, completely soaking her from head to toe. Afterwards, she will be asked to submerge herself in a bathtub multiple times. Her skirt may ride up, and she will intentionally expose her bra through her blouse to impress the interviewers. Finally, she puts on her jacket and takes a shower by herself. Enjoy witnessing her getting wet and striking sexy poses in her suit!

■Drenched trials on an job interview
video clip・・・33min.(2400 YEN)
order page(XCREAM) 
order page(FANTIA)
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