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At a job interview of Fetish video production company


On a job-interview at a Fetish video production company, job applicants are obliged to experience "bathing with fully clothed" in the second interview of the company to know about a part of fetishism. Of course applicants had better appeal themselves to interviewer!

A college girl has been ordered to bring her clothes for change on the day of her job-interview, due to her black recruitment suit that becomes her well will have gotten wet! At first, the interviewer orders her to do "bathing with fully clothed". She asks the interviewer "What is bathing with fully clothed?". Doing is better than hearing, the interviewer invites her to an outdoor spa. She enters the outdoor spa, getting wet to the skin soon. She should appeal to the interviewer to get an unofficial job offer from the company. Watch and enjoy her efforts on the interview with her suit wet!

■At a job interview of Fetish video production company
video clip・・・28min.(2400 YEN)
order page(XCREAM) 
order page(FANTIA)
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