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An athlete girl standing the severe test


A new female representative of a certain university baseball club female assistants is a candidate for a future leader. Female members are obliged to wear black suits as formal wear during off-campus club activities such as accompanying an expedition. And it's customary for the new female representative to receive a rough welcome event from seniors of the baseball club.

During four years of university, she will often get soaked or muddy in her suit when it rains during outdoor activities, clearing up muddy balls, carrying luggage. Therefore, it is said that female assistants will use up some suits during 4 years. If they dislike to get soaked or muddy in their suit, they won't be able to do their job as assistant of baseball club team. Therefore, the new student representative is particularly required to be able to do their best with a smile even if she is sprinkled with mud and water. At the end of the severe test, she is required to tear and cut the suit to show her motivation and guts as new female representative!

■An athlete girl standing the severe test
video clip・・・35min.(2800 YEN)
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