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Receiving positive inspiration by getting muddy


Eriko is a writer who created a sensation a few years ago. Then she was a high school student, now she is college student. With all her talents, she never seems to be self‐satisfied, so she is now doing job hunting. These days, she is slump as a writer, so she makes up her mind to go to the rice fields. Because she thinks that she would hit on good idea.


While she is reading her important manuscript, the wind has blown the manuscript. She enters muddy rice field to pick it up. She carefully walks in the rice field not to soil her suit with mud. However, unfortunately, she ends up losing her balance and falls on her behind. As she has the manuscript in her hands, she can't hit hands and stand up. So she struggles there, getting muddy gradually. Somehow she comes back to the ridge between rice fields. Then she comes up with an idea! No sooner had the idea occurred to her than she got into the rice field to soil her suit with mud!.

■Receiving positive inspiration by getting muddy (DM25-1)
video clip・・・18min.(2200 YEN) order page


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