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Wiping muddy ball out of habit


A Japanese girl Eriko belongs to an agricultural college and she helps out the Boys Varsity Baseball team in the college as a team assistant. She is doing job-hunting these days. Today she is to visit a company, so she is wearing recruitment suit now. After visiting the company she will go to the baseball ground in the college to do her role.


On the way to the baseball ground, she witnesses the ball fall into a fallow rice field that the college owns. And she can't but go to look for lost ball as an assistant of the team. She enters into the fallow rice field, but the mud sucked off her pumps. She begins to look for the lost ball, When she finds out the ball, she carelessly wipes muddy ball with her suit out of habit, for she usually wears jersey during club activity.


She sits down on the mud for the shock that she wiped off a muddy ball with the skirt of the job hunting suit. Then she recovered herself in a manner, standing up, confirming that her black tight skirt is muddy. And then she starts to cover her suit with mud and play out of her senses!

■Wiping muddy ball out of habit (DM23-1)
video clip・・・30 min.(2800 YEN) order page


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