Bathing with office uniform
It is a last training for new employees, that is carried out at a remote region. Female workers in her company have to wear uniform that is gray vest and tight skirt. Eriko is ordered to come to outdoor bath with that uniform on! At the her place of work(leisure complex ), her uniforms will become wet or dirty frequently.
Here she should be taken a shower by a senior of the company to simulatively experience a heavy rain at work without her umbrella! Moreover in the leisure complex, when somebody falls into a outdoor pool, employees should rescue him the person. Of course Eriko has the duty, too as employees in the leisure complex. So in the case, she will have to get into the pool with her uniform on! So on the last training, she takes a bath, too. She gets wet to the skin with her uniform and sense the sense that her body is tightened by the wet uniform!
■Bathing with office uniform (DW35-3)
video clip・・・13min.(1600 YEN) order page