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Experiencing farming with new suit


Eriko got an official job offer from an agribusiness firm, today the firm holds farm work experiences for new graduates who got the unofficial job offer from the firm. She is wearing new dark-gray business suit with a very thin white stripes and stylish ribbon blouse. She bought them for the purpose of wearing after joining the firm. But she wants to wear them today!

Today's farm work experiences is not hard, she will pull up some weeds in a fallow field, and listens to what a farmer will say. So she thinks that her suit won't become soiled with mud. However she will meet with a misfortune!


Suddenly she heard the words 'Don't die! lie down!' it's her voice for some reason. She is surprised at a terrible sound of the thunder, lying down in the fallow field to protect herself from the thunder. She had a narrow escape, feeling that sense! That is to be covered with mud with suit! She remembered the experience that she got muddy with her recruitment suit for several times when she is doing job-hunting. She starts to play with mud to get muddy her suit more!

■Experiencing farming with new suit (DM21-3)
video clip・・・29min.(2800 YEN) order page


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