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At an annual muddy event


A Japanese college girl Eriko belongs to the women's softball club at her agricultural college. From spring to autumn, an annual muddy event is held in the college's fallow rice field. Of course participants usually take part in the event with their uniform for the exercise.

Today is the day of the event. Before the event she had an interview at a company that she wants to enter. So she goes to the clubroom on the way back from the interview, because she is to change clothes from recruitment suit to uniform for the exercise. But she notices that there isn't her uniform there. There is nothing for it but to participate with her recruitment suit!


The event starts with running in the fallow rice field . Next on the ridge between rice fields, she does push-ups, sit-ups and back muscle exercise, doing them in a fallow rice field again. Of course her suit gets muddy immediately! Once she gets muddy, playing with mud. She rubs mud against her suit, taking her jacket off, moving forward at a crawl! Her blouse that was not muddy became muddy! In the end she rubs mud against her blouse, too.

■At an annual muddy event (DM21-1)
video clip・・・28 min.(2800 YEN) order page


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