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WET GIRLS 11 chapter1


This is 11th collaborative work( chapter 1 ) of Office Lady Special and SCHOOL WET SPLASH multiple.

At a high school, school girl wearing her summer uniform and a cadet teacher who is a college student wearing black formal suit are in a poolside. They are walking, then school girl drops teacher's porch in the pool intentionally. She gets into the pool to pick up the porch with her uniform. Her left foot falls into convulsions, she won't be able to move any more! So teacher goes to help the student soon. This is chapter 1 of the story.

WET GIRLS  Product List

This is last colloborative work that was shot in 2018 with SCHOOL WET SPLASH. There are merely 2 chapters left, containing this work. But we will shoot again in this summer or autumn. So don't be disappointed, as we will wait you so long till next shooting!


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