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WETLOOK : Keeping out the heat

Thank you for waiting for new work of Office Lady Special! Today I started to sell 'WETLOOK Keeping out the heat'(DW14-1)'.This new work is made up of video clip and photo sets!



Summer in Japan is very humid. College girls doing job-huntting must wear their suit in such a hot condition. I think they should pour water on themselves!(haha)

In this work, a cute college girl who looks good with a suit pours water on herself to keep out the heat. She has drenched by the water immediately. As she cooled down, she took a bath and relaxed.


The color of her recruitment suit is charcoal gray, so the part of the suit getting wet with water gradually discolors blackish, giving off luster in sunlight. The situation is very beautiful!

■'WETLOOK Keeping out the heat'(DW14-1)
①video clip・・・18 min.(2000 YEN)➡ order page
②photo sets・・・101 images(700 YEN)➡ order page


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