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1st day of swimming with suit


Today I started to sell first scene of new work; "Training camp with swimming club [ Swimming with suit lasting for three days!] " . This new work is consisted of 3 scenes.


In first scene(video clip) that I started to sell, a beautiful Japanese model is wearing charcoal gray recruitment suit(typical suit for young college girls doing job-hunting in Japan. ) with three button, acting a college girl who belongs to the swimming club, taking part in a swimming club training camp lasting for three days. Of course, this scene means first day of a training camp with swimming club. During this camp, she swims with her suit!


At first, she does warming‐up exercises before getting into the pool. After that she does kicking(beating) water by her feet in the poolside or splashing water by herself. As she gets used to the cold water, getting into the pool with her suit! She swims the breaststroke or the crawl, it being hard to swim because she is wearing suit.

■1st day of Swimming with suit(DW13-1)
①video clip・・・28 min.(1800 YEN)➡ order page
②photo sets・・・71 images(500 YEN)➡ order page


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