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Photos within a few days

1aLast week, I announced about a new work(Wetlook collection). In this weekend, I am going to open sample photos and detailed description of that in my 'Office lady Special' website and Japanese blog site, as it is expressed in Japanese.

Even if you can't read or make out those Japanese pages, you are to enjoy sample photos and movie, though sample movie will be published at the end of this month after opening photos ! I will publish movie on my YouTube channel, too.

This weekend, you will be able to watch some photos in the URL below. Of course, this URL isn't available now(Thursday 0 a.m. JST.) as I haven't uproad needed files yet. http://officeladyspecial-wetmessyrip-uniform.com/201201.htm

What will happen to her? (upper right photograph)
Please look forward to publishing photos and movie! Thank you!


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