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An annual event in the mud


A Japanese girl Eriko belongs to an agricultural college and she helps out the Boys Varsity Baseball team in the college as a team assistant. There has been an annual event in the team. The event is that a member who got an unofficial offer for employment at the very first must get muddy in the fallow rice field that the college owns!


This year, it's Eriko's duty! Now she is front of the fallow rice field, wearing her navy blue recruitment suit. (typical suit for young college girls doing job-hunting in Japan) Suddenly she is pushed into the fallow rice field. So her suit gets muddy soon! Then she enjoys playing with mud!


She moves forward at a craw on the mud, falling down on purpose many times, sitting on the mud, being covered with mud! Until just a few minutes ago, her suit was very beautiful without wrinkle or dust, but now her suit is muddy! In the end she washes the suit by the water of the agricultural irrigation channel. Her suit and blouse don't become clean, that's a matter of course. However she is satisfied with this situation, because she enjoyed getting muddy with her suit!

■An annual event in the mud (DM23-2)
video clip・・・32 min.(2800 YEN) order page


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